Examples of informational websites and documents

Institution Informational website
University of Vienna Everything you need to know about ORCID

ORCID and u:cris


TU Wien Person identifiers

Der Mehrwert von ORCID für Wissenschaftler_innen (only in German)


University of Graz Publication services - ORCID


Graz University of Technology ORCID Handbuch (only in German)

ORCID - Was Sie schon immer über die ID für Forschende wissen wollten (only in German)

ORCID und Datenschutz (only in German)


Austrian Science Fund ORCID for grant applications


Central European University

ORCID: How to make research results more discoverable


Zenodo Community of ORCID Austria

In this Zenodo community you will find a collection of outreach materials from the Austrian consortium. The materials are available for reuse under an open license.


ORCID outreach materials

Further ORCID outreach materials can be found under Outreach Resources.

The following infographic is an example of the materials which can be found in ORCID Outreach Resources and which are open to use: